
The Sinister Connection to Lefties

You know, of course, that the vast majority of people are right-handed. Only about ten percent of your fellow humans have a natural predisposition toward the left. That makes them different, for sure. Did you know that it also means they are sinister?

The word sinister describes an ominous feeling of evil, harm, or bad intentions. It has its origins in the Latin word sinistra, meaning “the left-hand side.”

Many cultures view the left side as something much worse than different or odd. The left has long been associated with ill-fortune, weakness, or even the demonic.

Roman soothsayers watched birds to see what direction they would fly. If they traveled to the right, that bode good tidings. If they went the other direction, it was certain bad luck would follow.

Conversely, if someone is described as “dexterous,” it is due to his or her skillfulness. That word originates with the Latin word dexter, meaning “right.”

Do you happen to be left-handed. We’re sorry to be the bearers of such sinister news. There’s probably no truth attached to the word’s origin. Just the same, we’re going to keep a close right eye on you.

Words That No Longer Mean What They Used To

Everyone reading this is a girl. You lived much of your life in the Matrix. You’re really not all that fantastic; in fact, you’re really quite awful. Even before you were born, you were naughty and artificial, and you will never be too old to wear a diaper. Consider this, as you drink defecated water.…

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Words Created by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was unquestionably one of the greatest influencers of English literature. He was also an unequaled contributor to the English language itself. Many of the words you have used in the past 24 hours had their origin in his fertile imagination. A common myth is that Shakespeare created 1,700 words. This is a bit…

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